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The Bible on Entertainment - PART 6 The Stumbling Block Filter


As we consider the “filters” that a Christian should apply to entertainment, one of the most often forgotten, or perhaps the least known about, is the “stumbling block” filter. Many times when we are engaged in some sort of entertainment, we are experiencing it with another person or a group. In any relationship, there usually is someone who has more influence than the others. This “leader” will usually set the standard for the group. The “followers” will quite often follow along with whatever the leader does. If you ever find yourself in this “leader” position (even if it’s just one other person following) you need to consider whether or not your actions are placing a ‘stumbling block’ in the path of your ‘followers’. If you are a parent, or have a position of influence on children, I would encourage you to take very seriously the things mentioned in this section.

Romans 14:13b…make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.

Here is this verse in plain English:
Make every effort to adjust your own behavior so that you will not do something that will cause another Christian to be tempted to do something that is wrong according to their own conscience or their authority’s standards.

What is a ‘Stumbling block’?
Practically speaking, it’s an action or inaction that has the result of tempting another person to sin against their beliefs or conscience. This can be accidental or purposeful. For example, to do this on purpose would be to ask someone to do something that both of you know is wrong (like vandalism.) An example of an accidental stumbling block would be asking someone to play a video game that they are not allowed to play (or that they do not wish to play out of conscience), but you didn’t know that.

So, how can we implement this as Christians in our everyday lives? The bible has a couple of verses that explains very plainly what we are to do…

Romans 14:21
It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.

1 Corinthians 8:13
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.

Did you catch what this is saying? It’s totally different than what goes on most of the time. The bible is telling us that it would be better to give up all your Christian freedoms (things that you think are “OK”), than to do anything that would cause another Christian to be tempted to sin in their own walk.

“So, how do I know if something temps someone else to sin”…You just ASK!

Be very careful to cause someone to be tempted to sin against their conscience by inviting them to share some sort of entertainment that could be questionable (movies, TV shows, music, video games, etc.) Always ask the other person, “Do you have any convictions about this?” or “are you allowed to do this?” Don’t ask, “is this OK with you?” because this question is loaded with the implication that your standards (or your parent's standards, if your're still living at home) are way too extreme if it’s NOT OK.

Are you the leader of any relationship? Are you the one that organizes people in your group of friends to go to the movies? Even if you are not, this applies to everyone. Using this filter will demonstrate humility and love as you concern yourself more for others than your own desires. Not to mention that it is a biblical command for Christians. If you’re guilty of breaking this command recently, then an apology is certainly in order to anyone who you’ve caused to stumble.

As if this wasn’t enough, there is one more filter to talk about.

Stay tuned…

Part 7
To view this entire essay in all it's parts click the link below:


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