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An Update On My Back And A Warning

I’m pleased to inform my loyal readers that my chronic back/neck/shoulder pain that I was experiencing several months ago is now completely healed up. I give thanks to God for bringing me through that. It was very uncomfortable, as many of you know that have experienced that sort of thing. Also thanks to those that prayed for me.
In a previous post I made some comments about my experience with two different Chiropractors. While I want to emphasize that as people, they were very kind, I remain a skeptic when it comes to Chiropractic treatment. In a nutshell, it is my opinion at this point in time, that Chiropractors use emotional and psychological manipulation to deceive people into empting their wallets. I know that sounds harsh, but to give the Chiropractor the benefit of the doubt, I believe that most of them have justified their deceptive techniques by taking comfort in the fact that people genuinely feel like they are being helped by their “treatments.” So, in other words, people are getting what they pay for. What’s so morally wrong with that? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s a deception!
I suppose you could argue for a case where deception could be used for a “greater good.” The Placebo effect, would be an example. Apparently, you never truly know when your prescription is actually a sugar pill. This is part of the testing process for medicine (the greater good.) However, in the case of the Chiropractor, I question the “greater good" that they are espousing…which, I suppose, is some vague and somewhat mystical idea of a sense of “wellness.”

Here’s what happens when you get Chiropractic treatment.
1. You develop pain in your back or neck.
2. You complain to your friends.
3. They all tell you about their miracle-working Chiropractor.
4. You go, because you are desperate to get rid of the pain.
5. The Chiropractor tells you and shows you that you have a problem and they can help.
6. You trust them because they seem to be friendly & knowledgeable, they have a lab coat on, they know some anatomy, and they have “Dr.” on their nameplate.
7. They tell you to come in for treatment 2 or 3 times a week for “x” number of months, then maintenance visits for, I guess, the rest of your life.
8. They “strongly encourage” you to sign-up your entire family (even infants and toddlers in some cases.)
9. They require you to come to an “orientation” where they explain the evils of medicine and the miracle of Chiropractic treatment. Usually telling you a story about how their spouse was near death and a new treatment technique brought them back to 100% health. Also showing before and after x-rays, “proving” that it works.
9. You get 12 weeks of back/neck cracks (and maybe some other things designed to make you think you are being adjusted. In the process you move large sums of money from your bank account to your Chiropractor’s.
10. You get better. You assume the treatments worked as promised. You associate your healing as a result of Chiropractic treatments, so you go back again and again.

Here is what actually happened:
1. You experience pain.
2.Your back healed all by itself over time.
   (apparently back/neck/shoulder pain takes months to heal, and in some cases I realize that surgery is required, but I recommend waiting at least three months before seeing a doctor, unless you can’t move for a week or you’ve been in an accident. )
3. You’ve been deceived.
I’m sure this is going to make a few people upset. I apologize if this offended anyone. It represents my opinion and at the very least,  I hope it helps someone avoid being scammed. Just because someone is friendly and calls himself/herself a Christian doesn’t mean they aren’t willing to use deceptive means to get you to part with your money.  You don’t have to agree with me. I’m just offering this up for your consideration.
Thanks for reading.


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