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"Who Is Telling The Truth" - 2 Peter 2:1-3

Hello readers. I hope you are enjoying this devotional study of 2 Peter. It is my pleasure to bring you a small bit of God's word with some application and encouragement. There is power in the truth that we read in scripture. So, with a combination of Romans 1:16 boldness and 1 Peter 5:5 humility, let's continue our study of 2 Peter.

2 Peter 2:1-3 NLT
1 But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach destructive heresies and even deny the Master who bought them. In this way, they will bring sudden destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered. 3 In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.

The preservation of the truth was a huge priority for all the apostles. As I read and study the bible, I have discovered that this subject (preserving truth and warning about error) is one of the most important subjects in the New Testament. Entire books of the bible are written on this one subject (including this one). It has also become one of my passions as well. I have found myself getting quite angry with the false teachers of our time. Unfortunately, these false teachers are usually the ones with the most money and so they tend to be found on television. I'm going to resist dropping names, but my advise to you: Do not rely on the preachers on TV to supply you with biblical truth. Not all TV preachers are false, but the MAJORITY are delivering a false gospel.

How can we tell which ones are speaking truth?

It's not easy, but very possible. Become so familiar with the scriptures yourself, by personal reading and study, that you can spot a counterfeit just by listening to the things they say and watching the things they do. You will know the scriptures and the false teachers will reveal themselves because what they say and do will contradict the clear teachings of the bible. It's difficult at first, because they will seem so sincere and will speak with such authority and cleverness, but when our trust is placed in the truth of God's word instead of the word of man, then we will be safe. Another way to spot false teachers is to observe how often they ask for money. All ministries need money, so this isn't always a reliable indicator.

Here is a short list of the three major errors that are being pushed by today's false teachers:

  1. That it's God's will that all Christians be healthy and wealthy (this is facilitated by giving a "faith seed",which is a large donation to their ministry).
  2. The bible can't really be completely understood, so we should be open-minded about what the bible teaches, especially in regard to sin and traditional doctrines. Reaching the culture by reinventing the church to imitate and accept modern cultural trends without questioning their dangers.
  3. You have the "power-within" you to achieve success and/or personal achievement goals. Secular practices of "visualization" and "positive thinking" are encouraged. The bible is only used to supply illustrations to support these goals. Sin is simply not mentioned.

This is just a brief listing of things to watch out for. Peter, in verses above, is showing us that "nothing is new under the sun". False teachers today are doing the same thing they did in Peter's day. Namely, they want your money, and they are VERY clever at getting it from you! To get your money they have to create false beliefs in you mind.

Don't misunderstand; Faithful, biblical, ministries, like bible-believing local churches and other ministries do require money to operate, so giving there is necessary and biblical. The point is to be informed so as not to be deceived by false teachers.

Lots more to come. Stay tuned...


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