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"You Do Well To Pay Attention..." 2 Peter 1:19-21

2 Peter 1:19-21
19 So we have the prophetic word made more sure,

Remember last time that Peter just established his legitimacy as an apostle bearing the true gospel, by explaining to the readers of this letter that he was an eye-witness to a dramatic display that we know as the "transfiguration". The transfiguration was pretty convincing evidence that Jesus was who he said he was... the Messiah. Those who witnessed that event were utterly convinced that Jesus was God's son. Peter never hesitated to make that claim when asked. He did, however, wimp-out when Jesus was on trail with the Pharisees. He never lost the belief that Jesus was God, he just wasn't ready to die for that belief...yet. The Peter we read about in this letter is quite different. He is ready to die and is martyred soon after this letter was written.

In verse 19, we have some more evidence offered up by Peter that he carries the true message of salvation, which is only found in Jesus Christ; That being the prophetic word. Peter says that this prophesy is made "more sure". Most scholars believe that this is referring to the fact that fulfilled biblical prophecy about Jesus may be even more convincing as evidence than his personal testimony regarding the transfiguration. This is a complicated text and there are some other ideas as to the implication of this verse. The rest of this passage is nice and easy to follow.

to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place,

Who is "you". Even though this letter is addressed mainly to Christians, I believe that the "you" here, are the unsaved that might read this letter.

until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.

I believe this part is for the unsaved because the "morning star" is Jesus and the analogy here is of someone coming to faith as they accept and embrace the "light" of truth.

20 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, 21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

Peter is here re-emphasizing the fact the the true gospel is not a clever creation of man, but a revelation from God.

I have always been a sceptic. From my childhood, I have always needed to understand how things worked. I've lived my whole life with an insatiable curiosity to know what is, and what isn't true. If I see a device, and I don't know what it does, I have to find out. Even then I'm not satisfied until I have an understanding of how it works. As I've grown older, this personality trait has carried itself into the big questions of life. You know the biggies... Why are we here? What happens after we die? I'm so glad that God did not leave me without answers to those questions. The more I study the bible, the more I find it to be consistent and all-satisfying. Something made up by man would fall apart under such scrutiny by such a skeptic. I'm more and more convinced that the bible is not from man, but a revelation from God.

If you find yourself struggling with your faith in God, I would suggest studying the bible. The more you take in, the more your faith is grown by the fact that God proves himself through the divine truths found in His Word.


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