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How can I know that I'll go to heaven when I die?

Is there a God?
Is there a judgement after death?
How can I know that I'll go to heaven when I die?

These are the big questions that truly matter.

As a Christian and follower of Jesus, I need to tell you that there's good news and bad news. First, the bad news.

The bad news is that the answer to the first and second question is, "yes." This is bad news because God is perfectly holy and only permits perfectly holy creatures into his presence. Unfortunately, it only takes sinning one time in your entire life to disqualify you from heaven. If that seems too harsh, it's because we don't understand how how truly blasphemous sin is in God's eyes. So, we are all rightfully banished from eternity with God because all of us are repeat offenders.

Fortunately, there is good, great news! It's called the Gospel in the bible, and here it is:

The "Gospel" is the story of the creation, fall, and redemption of mankind. Because of the holiness and righteousness of God, sin must be punished. That just punishment is death and eternal punishment in hell. In our present state, mankind does not possess the ability to free himself from this curse, so as an act of divine love and grace, God set out to save a people to Himself. In order to acquit mankind of the guilt of sin without Himself being accused of unjustly releasing a lawbreaker, God became a Jewish man. This "God-man" named Jesus lived a perfectly sinless life. After his baptism and three years of ministry performing great miracles and calling for people to turn from sin and follow him, he was handed over to Roman occupiers and was sentenced to death by crucifixion for treason. God poured out His wrath against sin on His son that day. Dying on the cross, he became a substitutionary sacrifice, taking the place of sinful man. Jesus was then buried, and days later, he rose from the dead. After appearing to hundreds, he then ascended to heaven, where he is now with God the Father. He will come again to judge all mankind.

The condition of receiving this salvation is to believe on this Jesus, who bore the wrath of God for your sin and mine. Embracing Him as the Lord and Savior that he is, and by faith following him and only him, no matter the cost. At conversion, believers receive the promised Holy Spirit, who empowers, teaches, and guides us. At judgment, we do not rely on our own righteousness or goodness, but on the perfect righteousness of Jesus that is imputed (given) to us at salvation. Only those that are "washed clean", and "known by Him" at judgment will enter into eternal life.

If you read this through, you've heard the Gospel. If God has softened your heart and opened your eyes, believe on Jesus and you will be reconciled to God and saved from your sin and the wrath that is to come. If your faith is true, you will begin to have new desires for God and living your life devoted to Him and His purposes. You will develop a new relationship with your savior and an ever-increasing disdain for sin. Search out a church that accurately teaches the Bible as divine truth, and encourages its congregation to spread the "Great News" of Jesus to the world. Follow your confession of faith by being baptized in accordance with the teachings of scripture. Cultivate your relationship with Jesus through prayer and watch God change your life!

P.S If this has already happened in your life, Praise God! Spread the word and fight the good fight.

P.P.S I am willing to do my best to answer any questions you may have.

Verses to ponder:


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